Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is Our Superintendent REALLY Trying To Control Health Care Costs?

During negotiations last March, the Strongsville Education Association (SEA) asked Superintendent Jeff  Lampert to look into the possibility of joining the Suburban Health Consortium.  This organization is a health insurance group that most of the schools on the west side of Cleveland belong to. 

Based on the latest figures, joining this consortium could save the district $6,000 per teacher - and could save the district even more if administrators and non-certified staff also enrolled.  Lampert said he would “look into it.”

In August (or 5 months later), SEA asked Lampert if he had any information about joining the consortium.  He said he had not gotten around to it. He said he was worried about the application fee, which comes to about $6.25 per teacher. This sounds ludicrous when in light of the fact that this fee is less than the $3,000 bonus given to the Kinsner principal because of “large enrollment” at his school.

We can pay a bonus to someone for doing his regular job, but we can’t put a lesser amount into potentially saving millions?

If you are looking for answers, please contact the Superintendent's office at 572-7000 or get involved in your school district decision making process by attending the next Board Meeting, Thursday, Oct. 21st, at 7pm, at the Strongsville High School Media Center.